Hybrid Wireless Products
Residential Packages
Contract Term / Installation Cost
AddOn Services
All our packages are at a maximum of 16:1 contention.
(**) - So why is the speed specified as up to ? For our Pro packages, we will provide the fastest speed that is available based on your geographic location
and your distance to the next base. This could be anything from 6 mbit to 20 mbit on fixed wireless.
The upload speed depends a bit on signal and distance, but would typically be 10-20% of the download speed. If technology changes, these upgrades will automatically apply
to your connection. We'll advise you of the max speed possible during the installation.
And should you reach your data cap, you can decide what you want to do: either the connection slows down to 128 kbit/s or you can buy a data addon package and just carry on normally.
(***) - Installation pricing on our phone and call addon varies, as it depends, if you want a new number or want to transfer yours.
Please check our fee structure.
All pricing includes VAT - Additional charges may apply, please check
our fee structure.